Friday, 14 October 2016


 During our history, many astronormers had made their apportation to the development of science with many researches and theories.
However, I have chosen two of them, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton to compare his lives, situation and way of thinking.

 Firstly, one of the main similarities is that they followed the same pattern, The Heliothentric (Copernicus) model. Galileo, followed this forbbiden theory in the way that he made researches with his telescope and arrive at the conclusion it was right. But as with this purposal he was questioning the Church's believes ( The Earth was the centre of the universe and the other planets turn around it) he had to deny it eventhough it was ok. Furthermore, Newton also kept up with this theory, in fact he published the Motion and Grabitatory Laws in physics which are accepted and used nowadays. 

Resultado de imagen de galileo galilei caricatura

Now talking about the differences in between them, we see there is a chasm between their childhood. Galileo came from a noble background and of course, he had the opportunity to study medicine in the university of Padua. While Newton's family was mostly poor, her father died when so he lived with his mother in a farm and he had to leave his studys even if  he returned to school after.
Resultado de imagen de isaac newton manzana y gravedad

To sum up, I reckon both of them made a rough effort to get their theories published even if Galileo didńt fulfil his ambition at all. Despite that, they reached essencial laws for humanity and prove they both had great minds.

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