Sunday, 11 December 2016


Pharmaceutical industry

The pharmaceutical industry is a business sector dedicated to the manufacture, preparation and marketing of medicinal chemicals for the treatment and prevention of diseases.  Their job, is to create pharmaceutical drugs to treat, prevent or cure disease. Drugs are classified in various ways, for example, the level of control with distinguishes prescription drugs( the ones that you need the order of a doctor) from over the counter drugs (the ones we can consume ourselves).

Product approval

In the United States, new pharmaceutical products must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) , in the case of Europe the European Medicines Agency, as being both safe and effective. This process generally involves agreement of an Investigational New Drug filing with enough pre-clinical facts to support proceeding with human experimentation.  Following DNA approval, three phases of progressively larger human clinical analysis may be conducted.
  • Phase I generally studies toxicity using healthy volunteers.
  • Phase II can include pharmacokinetics and dosing in patients.
  • Phase III is a very large study of efficacy in the intended patient population.
Following the successful completion of phase III testing, a New Drug Application is submitted to the FDA. The FDA review the data and if the product is seen as having a positive benefit-risk estimation, approval to market the product can be sold.
A fourth phase of post-approval supervision  is also often required due to the fact that even the largest clinical doses  cannot effectively predict the possibility  of rare side-effects. In certain instances, its indication may need to be limited to particular patient groups, and in others the substance is removed  from the market completely.
A product must pass the threshold for cost-effectiveness if it is to be approved. Treatments must represent 'value for money' and a net benefit to society.

But do we know the process behind? The one about human guinea pigs?
Well, the ones testing any kind of new drugs that might be sold at the market one day are human, commonly callled, human guinea pigs (cobaya humana or conejillo de indias).  This practise with humans, involves they’re exposed to several health dangers and permanent side effects. People who volunteer for these trials can be anyone, from a healthy student who needs to make a little extra cash to a desperate cancer patient hoping an experimental drug really can help.
Ads asking for volunteers are everywhere, on the backs of buses and on Craigslist. Te guinea pigs sign a consent insuring they are concious abot the risks, try the drug and are given  money for that. In Spain, they are paid between 500 and 3000 euros depending on the centro de sanidad and the prueba.
This system was called into question last month when a clinical trial of a pain medication in France went horribly wrong. While the health ministry is still investigating what happened, five people were hospitalized and one volunteer died. All these volunteers started the study healthy and now some may leave with a permanent disability.

At present the research in the laboratories of pharmaceutical companies focus their interest in finding improved treatments for cancer, diseases of the central nervous system, viral diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), arthritis and circulatory system diseases, which are the illnesses that mainly afflict developed countries, and ultimately, they generate more profit. Little research is done on the prevailing conditions of developing countries (eg Chagas disease in South America), because the return on investment in these markets is low.

The use of live animals in medical research is the subject of controversy. While pharmacists have developed and continue to develop techniques to prevent their use, live animals (mainly rats and mice) remain crucial for many procedures.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016


    Dear doctor...

 Since last week I feel more and more weak and my caugh is  increasing, it started after been playing a match when it was raining cats and dogs.
I also have to say that yestersday I had a 39º temperature. In addition, one of the simptoms I have are terrible headaches every hour. Another thing that happens to me, is the vast loss of appetite, low energy, and fatigue. In fact, I am shortness of breath, usually when I climb stairs.

Would you be able to tell me what I am suffering from?

Resultado de imagen de doctor cartoon

Friday, 2 December 2016


  Hi net readers!

    This time we have to do a presentation about pharmaceutical industry and products. We've just divided the work and I'm gonna talk about the pharmacy companies and their interest.Resultado de imagen de pharmaceutical
  So, as always, hope you enjoy it!

Friday, 18 November 2016


Name ...Paula Seco... Group..1.A......

Self-assessment of European and International Competence
You could periodically use it  by filling in the right level (1-6)

Domain EIO-1
Knowledge of Europe/EU
Collecting, analyzing, presenting and discussing information on European and international issues.
( EIO-1.X.2)
Steps towards active (European) citizenship.
( EIO-1.X.3)

I am an informed European citizen who can access, process and evaluate knowledge relevant to Europe and the wider world, and act upon it

Domain EIO-2
Knowledge of daily life and the organization of the local community in another country
Foreign language skills.
( EIO 2.X.2)
Attitude towards cultural diversity and confidence in an international setting
( EIO-2.X.3)

I can communicate effectively and cope in everyday life in a European / international setting.

Domain EIO-3
Cooperation with peers on societal issues from an international comparative perspective
Cooperation with peers using ict and international project management skills.
( EIO 3.X.2)
Intercultural awareness and skills
( EIO-3.X.3)

I can collaborate constructively with peers from other countries on a common thematic task or project.

Domain EIO-4
Informal learning
Work-related learning
( EIO 4.X.2)
( EIO-4.X.3)

I can work and learn in an informal and work-related context and demonstrate entrepreneurship in an European / international setting.

1. First foreign language:

My first foreign language is English and I would like to improve my oral skills in partricular.

2. Second foreign language:

French, I would like to improve my level.

3. Exchange:

I expect meeting a nice person so that I can learn from things about German culture and  make a new friend. In addition, practising english and visiting a new place.

4. International orientation on future study:

5. Participation in international contests:

6. Europe Day 9 th May:

7. Any activity you can add:

Friday, 4 November 2016

Evolution Theories

   Hi, dear readers!

 In this post I'm uploading the last presentation I've done for scientific culture. It was about the different evolution theories that have been purposed during humans history.
We have to do a Pechakutxa, that is a particular presentation which involes doing 20 slides of 20 seconds each.
Actually it was such a big deal to look for all the information about the topic, then think about what was good or interesting to develope and what had to be erased. In addition, to manage with everything and make the presentation requiered many work. But at the end I achive to organize it and do a good work, even though I didn't make the presentation as well as I expected.

 Here I leave the Petchakutxa and 
the link of my work.


 And here is an interesting video about my topic. Hope you enjoy it!


Friday, 28 October 2016

Women and science

      Our techer has told us to think about what we'll like to do releated with women and science to make the class more dynamic. And I've been thinking for something different so I come up with the idea of making some striking posters about scientific inventions, that have been done by women and post them inside Luberri. To bring students attention and meke them realise the importance of women in science.

Resultado de imagen de did you know...?

Such as...

 -Posters with icaching phrases.
-And interesting inventions made from women, for example: the windscreen wiper.


Resultado de imagen de woman scientist

Friday, 14 October 2016


 During our history, many astronormers had made their apportation to the development of science with many researches and theories.
However, I have chosen two of them, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton to compare his lives, situation and way of thinking.

 Firstly, one of the main similarities is that they followed the same pattern, The Heliothentric (Copernicus) model. Galileo, followed this forbbiden theory in the way that he made researches with his telescope and arrive at the conclusion it was right. But as with this purposal he was questioning the Church's believes ( The Earth was the centre of the universe and the other planets turn around it) he had to deny it eventhough it was ok. Furthermore, Newton also kept up with this theory, in fact he published the Motion and Grabitatory Laws in physics which are accepted and used nowadays. 

Resultado de imagen de galileo galilei caricatura

Now talking about the differences in between them, we see there is a chasm between their childhood. Galileo came from a noble background and of course, he had the opportunity to study medicine in the university of Padua. While Newton's family was mostly poor, her father died when so he lived with his mother in a farm and he had to leave his studys even if  he returned to school after.
Resultado de imagen de isaac newton manzana y gravedad

To sum up, I reckon both of them made a rough effort to get their theories published even if Galileo didńt fulfil his ambition at all. Despite that, they reached essencial laws for humanity and prove they both had great minds.

Science & Mass Media

Hi blog readers! In this post I'm publishing the research I've done about what kind relationship has science with differnt aspects of the mass media as newspapers, magazines, TV etc.

 So firstly, I browsed for a scientific piece of news I found this interesting online about the evolution of cats. 

    After that, I keep up loooking for how does TV deal with science.

 Talking about the TV channels which are specially about science we have: BBC, National Geographic and Discovery Channel in between others.

Resultado de imagen de national geographic          Resultado de imagen de national geographic     

And if we move just to the programmes broadcasted on TV we have:

-How it's made? which is about how things such as, bicycles, wheels or even pasta  or cheweing gum are made.

el hormiguero dani rovira experimento
-El Hormiguero: a spanish programme in which they make a wide range of entertaining experiments with famous people.

-Orbita Laika: which is another spanish programme about interesting points of science, in La 1.

After that, I analize how many magazines were releated with science and I have to say there weren't as much as I expected and the most interesting for me was Science AAAS and the scientific zone in "XL Semanal" magazine, published weekly.

Resultado de imagen de aaas science magazine
Resultado de imagen de xl semanal cientifics


Finally, I saw how science is trated in the newspapers, for that I've analyzed Berria, Diario Vasco, Gara and El Mundo.

Berria: it has a scientific section, monthly it' fills about one page and the treatment to science is serious.
Resultado de imagen de diario vasco logo                                                                                             El mundo: has a scientific serious zone which is more or less published mothly too and it occupies 2-4 pages.                                                                                                   
Diario Vasco: also has a scientific section but more releated to new technologies it takes two or more pages daily.                                                                                         
Gara: the editions I searched in I didn't found a scientific section.